About Us

About Us

Safe-Contract.me is a B2B E-commerce & Fintech platform for secure wholesale trade worldwide. We are the first full-service provider of secure import and export contracts online. We enable our users to conclude international import and export contracts, and in some countries even domestic contracts, absolutely safe, without any risks connected with advanced payment or attraction of expensive bank instruments.

Today you can conclude contracts in USD, EURO, CNY and KZT.

You can make transactions all over the world with minimal costs and risks. You can find suppliers or buy goods in bulk from manufacturers anywhere in the world, no more fear of scammers, you pay only after checking shipping documents or according to the terms of your contract with the seller. No more pre-payments to the seller! Enter into a contract and wait for confirmation of shipment. We protect the interests of both parties to the contract.

With our help you can find new clients, customers and partners. Since 2022, we've been working every day to make your business thrive. Every supplier or manufacturer can create a page of his company and post information about his products: photos, presentations, price lists. Also, buyers can post purchases - requests for the purchase of goods.

You decide how much detail your company will be presented on the site. You can easily make a business card of your company, as well as a full-fledged wholesale online store. In turn, we try to make the site the most convenient for use and solutions for your business problems.

Tens of thousands of companies can develop their business and increase their wholesale sales.

The team of the platform wishes you success in business!

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